1 | Ilhan Dalci Hasan Özyapici | Analysis of the impact of first-time mandatory IFRS adoption on financial statements: The case study of the listed hotels in Turkey | p5..29 | Details |
2 | Mădălina DUMITRU Raluca Gina GUŞE | The Legitimacy of the International Integrated Reporting Council | p30..58 | Details |
3 | Ahmed Saleh Clare Roberts | The impact of online corporate reporting quality on analyst following and properties of their EPS forecasts | p59..88 | Details |
4 | Eleftherios Aggelopoulos | What explains changes in accounting divisional performance under liquidity shortage conditions? Evidence from the Greek Banking | p89..106 | Details |
5 | Paul DIACONU | From the accounting of war to the accounting of peace: putting bricks for a new environmental accounting. A critical analysis | p107..131 | Details |
6 | Jadranka Mrsik Ninko Kostovski | Offshoring Accounting Services: New opportunities for developing countries | p132..146 | Details |
7 | Victoria STANCIU Andrei TINCA | Solid Knowledge Management – The ingredient companies need for performance: A Romanian insight | p147..163 | Details |
8 | Muhammed Kürşad Özlen Irfan Djedovic | Online banking acceptance: The influence of perceived system security on perceived system quality | p164..178 | Details |
9 | Dragoş MANGIUC | Accountants and the cloud – Involving the professionals | p179..198 | Details |
10 | Hafiz Ahmad Ashraf Nauman Manzoor | An examination of customer loyalty and customer participation in the service recovery process in the Pakistani hotel industry: A pitch | p199..202 | Details |
11 | Imam Salehudin | “Reverse Engineering” the Pitching Research Template: A Simple Tool to Help Understand the Academic Literature | p203..210 | Details |