Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems (JAMIS)

The impacts of heatwaves on antimicrobial resistance and public health: A Pitch

Vol. 23, No. 2/2024 ,   p461-469

Yen Nee Teo
Elizabeth Yong

Keywords:   Pitching research, heatwaves, antimicrobial resistance, public health

Abstract:   This pitching research letter (PRL) applies the systematic 2-page pitch template developed by Faff (2021, 2015) to organise a future PhD research topic regarding the effects of heatwaves on antimicrobial resistance and public health. By adhering to the template, it helps researchers to extract the succinct information required by a research proposal. The thoughtful design of the template renders it an invaluable tool for novice researchers in developing a new research plan and communicating it in an organised and structured manner.

