Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems (JAMIS)

Definirea şi evaluarea performanţei – de la origini până în prezent
[Definition and measurement of the performance – from origin to present]

26/2008 ,   p72..88


Keywords:   performance, definition, measurement, accounting, comprehensive income

The notion of the performance knows nowadays a certain inaccuracy in its definition. It is remarkable, that against the frequent uses, the notion of the performance is very rarely definite, even in the papers which the performance represents the object of principal study. Everything is happened as the meaning of the word performance is so evident that its definition becomes unimportant. We consider that the definition of the performance and its evaluation are very important, so that is the reason for which we realised this work paper.
A first objective of this work paper is to realise a description step by step of the manner which the notion of performance evolved, from origin to present. For the achievement of this objective we have realised a fundamental research based on the literature analysis. In this way we have delimited 5 stages on time in the definition of the performance, from 60’ years, when the concept of the performance was used for the first time, to present, when the performance is often assimilated with the concept of the sustainable development. In the content of the paper will be reflected different points of view concerning the definition of the performance for an economic entity, depending on the evolution in time for this concept.
The second objective of the work paper is about evaluation the performance of the economic entity in accounting field. A long period of time, net income was and continues to be nowadays main indicator used for measurement financial performance. But, although at international level, comprehensive income takes itself the  quality of the main indicator in the financial performance measurement, very little number of analysts and accountants know the existence and the meaning of this indicator. Through this paper we want to show that the comprehensive income hasn’t just been an ipotetic concept which is debated in academic discussions, but it becomes the main indicator of the financial performance measurement, thanks to the International Financial Reporting Standards.          

