Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems (JAMIS)

Reviste ştiinţifice sau profesionale? O analiză comparativă a caracteristicilor de publicare în două reviste din România
[Academic or practitioner journals? A comparative analysis of the characteristics of articles published in two Romanian journals]

26/2008 ,   p6..22

Nadia ALBU
Cătălin-Nicolae ALBU
Stefan BUNEA
Maria Mădălina GÎRBINĂ

Keywords:   Publications, academic journals, practitioner journal, Romania


Academic research is important for the reputation of researchers and of their institutions. In Romania the subject of publication quality was of little interest until recently. The ranking process of journals has become critical in Romania and this issue must be addressed to facilitate researchers develop more informed publishing strategies and a meaningful form of self-evaluation of their research efforts. Our aim is to analyze the characteristics of the articles published in an academic and in a practitioner journal in Romania. We find that there are some differences between these journals, but not to the extent it is generally considered in literature or is documented abroad. The implications of the paper may be analyzed in three directions: prospective authors may consider a strategy for publishing given the nature of their research; editors and reviewers may better assess the place of their journal within Romanian scientific literature; and researchers may envisage other elaborate rankings that might be useful in assessing the quality of academic research publications. Also, the paper offers some insights in the current state of publication in Romania.

