Analysis of sugar industry’s perspectives in Romania
Supp/2007 , p 628..637
Vasile ROBU Cristina Stefania CUREA Teodora SERBAN-OPRESCU Grigore Ioan PIROSCA
© 2007. This work is openly licensed via CC BY 4.0.
Analysis, sugar industry, accession to UE, sugar production, previsions, scenarios
For Romania, the sugar industry is the most eloquent example of the decline of a food industry sub-branch. Romania has become in a few years a sugar importer country, although it owns a natural potential for producing the entire quantity necessary for the domestic consumption from its own production. Firstly, we are aiming to present hereby a retrospective of the sugar industry for the period 1989-present, period when the agricultural surface cultivated with sugar beet has dramatically decreased, the inland sugar production collapsing during the same short time. Secondly, the work focuses on the impact of Romania’s accession to the European Union, the result of the negotiations with UE being extremely good, considering our country industry’s performances during the last years. The last part of the work presents perspectives related to the domestic production and setting up possible alternatives of producing the sugar quantity necessary to the consumption from inland production. Consequently, we bring into view three scenarios when the self-acquisition of sugar is performed in proportion of 50%, 75% and 100%.