Considerations regarding the single member companies.De lege ferenda proposal
Supp/2007 , p 503..510
Ileana VOICA
Law, SSSPC (the single shareholder simplified public company), EURL – Entreprise Unipersonnelle con Responsabilité Limitée, Associate/shareholder, employee, chair of the board
The paper addresses two main issues. First, we comment on the legal regime of the single member private limited company. Focus on the Article 196^1 paragraph (3) of the Law no. 31/1990 on companies (the Company Law), as it was introduced by the Law no. 441/2006 for the amending of the Company Law; second, the proposal for the regulation of the single shareholder simplified public company (SSSPC) into the national legislation according to the French model (Société par Actions Simplifiée Unipersonnelle - SASU).