Financial performance indicators between utility, selfishness and manipulation technique
Supp/2007 , p 148..157
Flavius-Andrei GUINEA Cristina Maria STANCIU Cristina Maria STANCIU
© 2007. This work is openly licensed via CC BY 4.0.
Financial and non financial measures of performance return on investment, residual income, economic value added, multinational companies, performance of divisions
Capital may have alternative uses so managers should be preoccupied if its return exceeds its cost. The necessity to determine the return on the capital employed is generated by the need to promote the control of the capital budgeting process. Without measurement of the effective return on capital, there is little incentive for managers to estimate future cash flows. Those measures drive the attention of the managers to the reduction of inventories and receivables. The objective of this study is to show, through study cases, how companies by using different financial performance indicators, can mislead the users of the financial statements. Performance measurement of managers is used in decisions about their salaries, bonuses, future assignments, and career advancement. Moreover, the very act of measuring their performance can motivate managers to strive for the goals used in their evaluation. Companies are benchmarking their financial and non-financial measures against other companies that are regarded as the best performers. To compete effectively in the global market, companies need to perform at near the best of the breed. Our conclusion is that a company should modify its financial reporting practices in order to obtain values that are more relevant for indicators such as ROI and EVA.