Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems (JAMIS)

Modern techniques regarding the information systems’ architecture

Supp/2007 ,   p 228..231


© 2007. This work is openly licensed via CC BY 4.0.

Keywords:   Information systems’ architecture, n-tire architectural models, models of design, framework, repository

The unprecedented development of information technology imposes an increase in the role that the architecture plays in the design and implementation of information systems. Various architectural models, dedicated to information systems, have been developed over time, on a logical as well as a physical level. Through this article we make a presentation of several advanced models of information systems logical architecture, as well as a presentation of an n-tire architectural model based on a Framework and a Repository component. Even if most information systems use standard architectural models (on 3 or 4 levels), it is our opinion that through the use of a Framework and a Repository based architecture, a high level of abstraction and reuse of an application’s modules can be achieved. In this article we will specify the roles of the two components, Framework and Repository, and we will present models of design for their implementation and utilization.

