A discussion over IFRS’ adoption in Islamic countries
Vol. 13, Nr. 1/2014 , p35..49
Ştefana Maria Dima Bogdan DIMA Ovidiu MEGAN Luminiţa Păiuşan
© 2014. This work is openly licensed via CC BY 4.0.
Islam, accounting, IFRSs, AAOIFI
The main objective of this paper is to test aresearch hypothesis regarding the preference for IFRSs adoption in Islamiccountries. The hypothesis has been tested on a dataset of 38 Islamic countriesinside the framework of a Discrete and LimitedDependent Variable Model. We have obtainedrobust evidences of a negative association between IFRSs adoption and theweight of Muslim population. In order to evaluate the robustness of the resultswe considered as control variable the Index of Economic Freedom. The controlvariable appears to have a statistically significant positive impact on IFRSsadoption, so full adoption of IFRSs is more likely to occur for countries witha higher degree of economic freedom.