Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems (JAMIS)

The European Employment Strategy. Perspectives

15/2006 ,   p62..67

Carla Carmina COZMA

© 2006. This work is openly licensed via CC BY 4.0.

Keywords:   law, labour legislation, European Employment Strategy, comparative study

Recent evaluations of the European Employment Strategy urged the Member States to step up their efforts to implement the Lisbon objectives. In the absence of decisive action, it looks increasingly unlikely that these objectives will be achieved by 2010.
There is an opinion that keeping with the European Employment Strategy approaches the moment of truth, making the question of how to proceed even more pressing. Actors at European level tend to seek a solution in a combination of merely procedural reforms and a more comprehensive and intensified involvement of the relevant actors at the relevant levels.
However, in the light of previous experience, it is questionable to what extent this approach will lead to better results.

