Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems (JAMIS)

The informational system and the influence upon the company’s performance

Supp/2006 ,   p103..108

Miruna Lucia NACHESCU

Keywords:   informational systems, investments, financial performances, organizational context

During the last few decades, companies have faced a completely new experience by getting to use informational systems at a large scale. The investments in such informational systems have largely increased. But are the investments in informational systems the key to better financial performances? We are trying to show that there are a few factors that must be taken into account when determining the influence of the informational systems’ development upon the company’s performances.
We also try to identify the organizational context that permits the informational systems development to help companies improve their performances. Some variables regarding the organizational context are controlled, some are only partially controllable and some are uncontrollable, affecting the degree to which the informational system developed can bring improved financial performances.
We strongly believe that financial governance through well developed financial information systems is becoming a “must” of any midsize company that wants better financial results.

