Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems (JAMIS)


Vol. 10, Nr. 3/2011 ,  







Aims and scope


Aimed at promoting research and increasing the research visibility, Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems will encourage national and international scientific dialogue and support the exchange of ideas among researchers belonging to different universities. The Romanian academic milieu finds here a forum for debate and development of accounting and management information systems theory and practice.


Submission of articles


Authors should submit their article by e-mail in MS Word format to the email address The name of the file must comprise the name of the first author (e.g. dean_john.doc). The required submission format is as follows:

Language of the abstract: English;
Length of the abstract: 1 page;
Content of the abstract: the abstract must include the research objectives and must present the contribution to the field. Authors should also supply 4-6 keywords that reflect the specificity of the paper, in English;
Recommended length of the paper: 20 pages;
Language of the paper: English;
Content of the paper: papers must provide an overview of the literature, present the research method and describe the contribution of the paper.

• The contributions must strictly comply with the required submission format as presented on the journal’s website ( – Peer review section.


The papers' review process is a double-blind one, the review being done simultaneously by a minimum of two members of the international scientific committee. The review criteria considered are the novelty and originality of the paper, the quality of the research method, the organization and clarity, the reference to prior work, and the quality of results. The result of the review process can be accept, accept with revision, or reject. Authors will be informed of the outcome of the review process. Only articles accepted by the scientific committee will be published.







The Journal adopted the Harvard system for referencing, meaning that it is used the name of the author and the date of publication as a key to the full bibliographical details which are set out in the references. Submissions should include a reference list whose format conforms to the following examples:


Example of a book presentation

Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P. (2001) The Strategy-Focused Organization: How Balanced Scorecard Companies Thrive in the New Business Environment, Boston: Harvard Business School Press

Example of an article presentation

Kaplan, R.S. & Norton, D.P. (2004) „How strategy maps frame an organization’s objectives”, Financial Executive, vol. 20, no. 2: 40-45

Example of a document consulted on the Internet

Kellen, V. (2003) „Business performance measurement – at the crossroads of strategy, decision-making, learning and information visualization”, available on-line at (one must provide the entire path for the documented consulted and, eventually, the date of the consultation)


By submitting a manuscript, the authors agree that the copyright has been assigned to the Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems. The Editorial Board assumes no responsibility for the content of the published articles.

