Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems (JAMIS)

Book review

Vol. 9, Nr. 1/2010 ,   p179..180





Contabilitate managerială – aspecte teoretice şi practice

[Managerial accounting – theoretical and practical aspects]

Author: Sorin BRICIU

Publisher: “Editura Economică”, Bucharest, 2006

ISBN (10) 973-709-257-0; ISBN (13) 978-973-709-257-1, 440 pg.


The author of the book aims to provide several methods of calculating cost. This issue is pragmatically approached, but at the same time it offers the definition of some concepts useful for the clarification of some terms or expressions. This book is suitable especially for students because the information is presented in an accessible manner. The reader – student, MA student, postgraduate or manager, discovers answers to various problems.


Managerial accounting represents a complex discipline, that uses information from financial accounting, management control and internal audit, being a producer but also a supplier of information for managers. All these aspects are presented in this book, which is structured in 8 chapters. The main ideas discussed in the book include: managerial accounting as part of the informational system, managerial accounting and performance measurement, costs classifications and decision making, methods of cost calculation, budgeting. There are details regarding each method of cost calculation, with illustrative examples and possible uses in organizations. Also, there is a chapter detailing the characteristics of managerial accounting in distribution activities, including foreign trading.


Managerial accounting is discussed in relation with internal control, human resources and other organizational issues, approach which enriches the knowledge of the readers. Also, the book presents some modern techniques such as Just-in-Time, Activity-Based Costing, Throughput Accounting, Target Costing, useful for developing students’ skills in the current economic environment.


The book is a synthesis of Prof. Briciu’s experience as a teacher and as an author of many books and articles. Consequently, many practical examples are presented, but also modern instruments, in an appropriate balance of theoretical aspects and case studies.


The bibliography referenced within the papers is large and demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the issues described in the book. This, along with the other reasons exposed above, led the Association of Economic Universities in Romania to award the first prize for specialized studies in 2008 to this book.

Concluding, I recommend this book to readers interested in accounting but also management studies, considering that it will fulfill their curiosity and contribute to completing their economic knowledge.



October 2009

